Rainbow Bridge members are committed…
To being stewards of well-being for ourselves, the community, the land, and the collective. To foster and thrive with compassion. To know and act on the knowledge that allows for communal integrity of lessons for honorable living.
Rainbow Bridge Foundation’s Core Values For New Members.
Before filling out our membership sign-up form, please review our founding documents to ensure you are in alignment with our core values.
Rainbow Bridge Prayer
We hold this prayer in our hearts and we share it as a powerful vibrational intention.
Private Members Association
If you would like to learn more about Rainbow Bridge PMA please apply to become a member.
Guiding Principles
Our guiding principles give us roots to grow and expand as a sustainable community.
Intentional community committed to being stewards of well-being for ourselves, the community, the land, and the collective. To foster and thrive with compassion. To know and act on the knowledge that allows for communal integrity of lessons for honorable living.
Intentional community creating sacred sanctuary
Once your membership is approved, you will have access to a range of benefits, including exclusive content, discounts on events and courses, and the opportunity to connect with heart-centered individuals who share your interests.
Make a donation.
To move forward with Rainbow Bridge foundation goals and projects, we graciously receive donations and are open to exploring in collaboration with other organizations with a similar mission and core values. To learn more about what Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary is currently working on, visit our charter page.