Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary is a non-profit organization operating as a private membership association with the initiative to create sustainability and sovereignty by educating, empowering, and encouraging its members to co-create with Great Spirit, Mother Earth, and the community. Through innovative projects and collaboration, Rainbow Bridge actively intends to expand by offering tools and techniques that demonstrate ways to help its members cultivate freedom and self-healing in accordance with natural law, abundance, integrity, and honesty.
Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary projects include, and are not limited to, herbal and health supplements, life-force generating energy devices, decentralized food production, cultivation of mushrooms, blockchain education, living structures that are designed from Earth-based materials and resources, and empowering initiatives for the youth.
Phase One is to launch Rainbow Bridge Non-Profit. Rainbow Bridge Advisory Council has been consistently organizing and creating the foundations for new members to thrive. Included in Phase One will be to market and continue to build the online store, which will offer the tools, techniques, and education needed to help members on their beginning & progressive steps as free and sovereign individuals. The first phase will also include Rainbow Bridge initiating the building of a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) on the blockchain for community governance and initiatives.
Phase Two will be land acquisition to begin to build a sanctuary for the community to gather, and forward the Rainbow Bridge movement of living and breathing in natural accordance with the laws of nature. The second phase will be physically expanding by growing food, herbs, mushrooms, and building structures to cultivate, process, and offer opportunities for those who seek healing.