Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary
Rainbow Bridge Is Here. Rainbow Bridge Is Now. Rainbow Bridge Is Love.
“I, the community, and our children are stewards of sacred land working with other stewards of sacred land in conscious harmony and alignment with Great Spirit and Mother Earth.”
The Rainbow Bridge Prayer.
“What Rainbow Bridge means to me…community, truth, sovereignty, light technologies, innovation, creation, healing, nature, and returning to ourselves.”
- Luke Mungo
Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary
Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary is a Faith-Based Private Membership Association 508(c)(1)(a) whose vision is to rejuvenate the Divine Spirit of Self and Community through alignment with the natural laws of Creator, the cultivation of unconditional love, and stewardship of the Earth.
We welcome new members into Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary PMA with an open heart. We are excited to expand as stewards of this New Earth in good ways with each other, nature, and all beings. We intend to empower, educate, and encourage all who seek to express their authentic and integritable self.
Joining As A Member
Spiritual Guidance And Support
Our advisors are here for you, to help you on your journey of heart-filled healing, sovereignty, and anchoring in your most beautiful world. If you are needing support in deciding whether joining as a member is aligned for you, we offer consultations. We also offer in-depth personal spiritual, energetic, and physical healing sessions for our members.
Rainbow Bridge is a connection to the New Earth frequencies, connecting Earth and Heaven, knowing what it means to work with the land and with opportunities to heal ourselves.
Rainbow Bridge Sanctuary is a non-profit organization operating as a private membership association with the initiative to create sustainability and sovereignty by educating, empowering, and encouraging its members to co-create with Great Spirit, Mother Earth, and the community. Through innovative projects and collaboration, Rainbow Bridge actively intends to expand by offering tools and techniques that demonstrate ways to help its members cultivate freedom and self-healing in accordance with natural law, abundance, integrity, and honesty.